lördag 19 april 2014

I know!

I know I am lousy at posting what is going on in my life here in the States, I have not posted since february apparently.. Well.. not much has happend, or maybe a lot but I don't know if anything would interest anyone to read about.
Not long after my last post I started school, I first took a test to se if I could go to a ESL class (English as Second Language) but I tested to level 8 (I don't know how many levels there are) and they only teach up to level five at the school where I am so I decided to try for the GED's instead, the result for my pretest was that I could take the GED's rightaway, well all except for math.. which I apparently needed to Review, but they put me in classes for Reading and Language Arts as well but I have math six hours a week, not exhausing at all.. or..
Will take a post test next week maybe to determine if I have reviewed it enough or if I need to go through it some more!

Last week the Children had spring break, so the family decided to go to North Carolina, They asked if Iwanted to join of course! To travle a bit and see more of this country, without even having to pay for it! And of course to get to spend some more time with all of them toghether.
We went to see the Biltmore Estates, It was spectacular! So big and incredible. I took a few pictures, but because it is not allowed to take Pictures in the building it is not as many as I would have liked.

Other than that nothing much is going on, I\m just mostly looking around here, walking on trails and having a wonderful time despite the weather which is not as good as I was promised, it has been snowing and raining almost nonstop since I got here and I was promised a lot of sun and warmth.. Hopefully the summer will bring the heat.

I have been reading quite a lot though, (I am in a reading wave) books like Harry Potter, Childrens books, the Divergent triology and so on, so after reading somewhat easy books for a few weeks I now set out to read Charlotte Brontes, Jane Eyre! Wish me good luck!

But Hugs and Kisses

lördag 15 februari 2014


I know!
I am really bad at posting on my blog!

So at the moment I am in the US of A and I totally, completely, love it!
My host family is Amazing, the are all so sweet and I couldn't have wished for a better one!

Today (friday 14) we have celebrated my birthday, wich is acctually on sunday but still, I ggot to decide what we should have for dinner, so we had Australian food, ribs, chicken,burger, bbq. It was acctually quite nice. And I got some presents aswell!
I am going to put some pictures later of what I got, but I have yet to photograph them so that is Another Project, I have quite a few things to write about but I am way to tired tonight to start a really long post so this will just have to due for this time hope you all have a great time to, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

But Hugs and Kisses

tisdag 17 december 2013


I really need to start packing my bags for my "trip" to the united states and to pack up my appartement in to boxes so that it is at lest a little bit done when I'm supposed to move out!

But for soome  reason I'm feeling very atteched to this appartement I've never been feeling this much separation anxiety befor I think and it is very odd.. but when I'm done I guess it will all be just great!
And I'm so excited about going to Georgia. not even three weeks left now!

But Hugs and Kisses

torsdag 12 december 2013


So I've been to the American Embassy a few days ago, my Visa is now approved, feel so great!
I was really nervous as usuall when it comes to people asking me questions. I read a post from another aupair before I went to the embassy where she talked about her experience there.
She said that they had only asked her two questions but when I was talking to the people at the embassy that woman asked me about four questions or more, "What are you going to do in the USA?" "How many children will you care for?" "What previous experience do you have with children?" "What are your plans after your program has ended?". Not such bad questions but I'm always afraid I will do or say something wrong so I was really nervous all the time, so the relief I felt when she told me my Visa had been approved was incredible. So now I just need to pack my bag/s and clean out my appartement and I'm leaving the sixth of January! Can't wait!!

But Hugs and Kisses

torsdag 5 december 2013


Okay, once againg I'm angry with myself..
I thought I had read everything through really well but apparently not..
I missed one tiny (not so tiny really) detail.. I should have waited a few weeks more to order my international driverlicense.. And now I do not know what to do, I can't spend five weeks with my hostfamily without being able to drive! I need to get in contact with the people who made the license.. hopefully them and I can figure something out  together.. I have to call tomorrow or monday then..

Now I need to sleep!!

But Hugs and Kisses

tisdag 3 december 2013

fredag 8 november 2013

Excited and confused..

So totally excited!

The date is set and the family found! Going to the United states early January, really can't wait!
But the thing is.. I don't know how to do now..  I have like.. three blogs.. one for short stories and one that I started the first time I decided to go as an Au pair to USA but when I did not go there I decided to start writing poems on that one instead and start this one for random thoughts.
The confusing thing, what I wonder about is that I was planning on getting back to writing about my excperiences in the one with poems, but now I have quite a few poems on there so I don't know any more, but I'm not sure I want to write on this one.. but to start a fourth one, seems a bit much maybe.. but, there is still a few weeks left until I have to decide so I'll just write on her for now!

So I am going to a family of four in Georgia, which is nice but I will miss the snow next christmas! I don't know how I will cope.
There are the mother and the father and two children, the oldest will be 15 in a few days so I will have to trie to remember that! And the girl that I will take care of the most is a twelve year old. They all seem really nice and I am really looking forward to next year!

I will try to remember to write about my progress, not that I think that anyone will find it very interesting to read about but because I want to write about it. And I will try to figure out what blog to write on in the future!

Well now take care!

But Hugs and Kisses